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​           EGA  AMA              


​It seems inevitable that aging and physical deterioration will affect the quality of life.

However, everyone should understand the scientific causes, processes and effects of aging and degeneration, and manage it proactively by adopting targeted responses.

We can delay the process, reduce the impact, and even reverse physical and mental degeneration, thereby improving the quality of life and reducing the burden of our families and society.

Reinforcement precedes degeneration
Knowledge enhances impacts
Being proactive is better than passive
Sharing broadens our horizons

Science is advancing with each passing day, and information is overwhelming. Mature adults may have limited time and energy, and coupled with language barriers, time-consuming searches, and difficulty in distinguishing the authenticity of the content, sometimes it is impossible to absorb new knowledge. We strive to research the latest information, provide suggestions, and strengthen the sustainability of our activities through group interaction, continuous learning, mutual encouragement, and sharing of experience.

Age is just a number. And your lifestyle determines whether you live below or above that number.

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