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Owing to slowing metabolism and loss of muscle and bone mass, middle-aged people and above would need exercises more than young people in order to maintain the quality of daily life!

Even more so, the aging stage and the goals of each person are different, so the elderly need to have correct and better understanding of exercise practices as they are less adaptive and each have their own history, condition and specific needs.

There is no single kind of exercise that can comprehensively satisfy the bodily needs of the middle-aged and above. Blindly adopting young people's training approaches may sometimes cause adverse effects. The EGA circuit training system tries to incorporate various exercise components for their different benefits. It is a holistic, science and knowledge-based, personally tailored and goal-oriented training system, which aims to help maintaining health and delaying aging.

The 5 Pillars of EGA Fitness Circuit - SSMAP




(S) STRENGTH:        Improves muscle mass and bone health, increases strength, power, and boosts metabolism

 (S) STAMINA:      Improves aerobic capacity to enhance maximum oxygen uptake (VO2), increase overall endurance, toughness, and strengthen cardiovascular function


  (M) MOBILITY:    
Actively improves overall body mobility, flexibility, stability and balance, maintains range of motion (ROM) of body joints, and promotes brain function

  (A) AGILITY:     
Maintains body function response and coordination of brain, eyes and body, delays aging and degeneration

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 (P) Posture Correction: Uses different targeted training to enhance posture recovery and reduce injuries based individual physical conditions and training goals

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