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Movement of the 50+​

Healthy Diet



​Sound Mind

Why are we called EGA?

Because we believe that age can be reversed.

Whether you are 40+ or 60+, as long as you adopt a high-quality lifestyle that is proactive, curious, mutual helping, and science-based, you can delay the aging process and even reverse aging. 

That's why we reversed the English word "AGE" and used it as our group name:  "EGA" Community.  

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What is EGA Lifestyle?
​​EGA Age-defying Lifestyle

EGA Lifestyle is a proactive and age-defying life attitude that we adopt. Through proper aging management to attain physical fitness, healthy diet, and a sound mind, the goal of  delaying or even reversing aging is achieved through sharing and mutual encouragement within the community.


What is EGA Community?
​Aging Management

EGA Community is a member group which emphasizes science and fun, pays attention to strengthening the cognition of body structure and function, adopts good diets, maintains a healthy mind, and also uses group interaction. Members encourage each other, and share to enhance the sustainability of functions and activities for achieving quality living.

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​What is EGA Fitness?
​Age-reversing Circuit

Just as there is no single food in the world that can provide you with all the nutrients, no one or two kinds of exercise can comprehensively improve the aging process of the human body. EGA Fitness Circuit's anti-aging cycle emphasizes the fun and benefits of experiencing different types of sports, which can also improve acceptance and adaptability to new things, thereby achieving a truly active and curious lifestyle.

Choose your own lifestyle

The World Health Organization defines "Active Ageing" as:


“The process of optimizing opportunities related to health, participation and safety to improve quality of life as people age. The term “active” refers to continued participation in social, economic, cultural, spiritual and civic affairs. Active ageing aims to extend healthy life expectancy and quality of life for all."


You are responsible for yourself and have the right to choose your own way of life.

Floral Path

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