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Fitness Boxing is super good for older adults!  SUPER fun & stylish!   ~50+ aging management

Fitness Boxing is super good for older adults! SUPER fun & stylish! ~50+ aging management

Fitness boxing is super good for older adults!! SUPER fun & stylish! EGA Community~ 50+ aging management Fitness Boxing is a popular way for older adults to stay fit in recent years. Fitness boxing does not include fighting with opponents, but using equipment such as boxing pads, punching bags, or shadow boxing for training, so it will not hurt, but it can get a lot of benefits. 2016 report from Harvard Medical School said the main benefits of fitness boxing include: • Improve balance • Help with posture • Strengthen upper body and core • Enhance stamina • Improve responsiveness • Enhance hand-eye coordination • Create happy mood Boxing training develops better balance. Start at a comfortable intensity and build up. It's not about intensity but stability. May reduce the risk of falls. "Fitness boxing has a lot of health benefits because it requires you to think and change your posture and posture," said the director of rehabilitation services at a renowned university hospital. Boxing exercises swing the arms and move the muscles of the arms and shoulders to increase upper body strength. Also, the half-squat position with slightly bent knees strengthens the core, back, and leg muscles. Fitness boxing is also a great aerobic exercise which gets your heart pumping and helps reduce your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Aerobic exercise has also been linked to improvements in certain brain functions. Some studies show that trying to hit a target with your hands can improve hand-eye coordination, making you feel more alert and focused. The movement, rhythm and precision required for boxing requires mental and physical coordination, which helps maintain mental health. But older adults should be careful if they have problems like osteoporosis or osteoarthritis. They should probably limit themselves to practicing shadow boxing. Everyone should consult a doctor before starting a new exercise program. Remember choosing the exercise program that works best for you is the most important part! EGA LIFESTYLE! twitter @communityega
健身拳擊(Fitness Boxing)對樂齡好處多多! 好玩又有型!50+Aging Management!

健身拳擊(Fitness Boxing)對樂齡好處多多! 好玩又有型!50+Aging Management!

健身拳擊(Fitness Boxing)對樂齡好處勁多! 拳擊不再只是一項運動。通過稱為健身拳擊的版本,拳擊運動也是近年年長者保持健康的一種流行方法。在外國頗為流行,在香港及亞洲則方興未艾,主要可能是老友記還未普遍認識健身拳擊的好處。 健身拳擊不包括與對手搏擊,而是用拳擊教護墊,拳擊袋等器材,或以空拳(shadow boxing) 以作訓練,因此不會受到傷害,但卻能獲得很多益處。 根據一份2016年報告,健身拳擊的主要好處包括: •改善平衡 •幫助姿勢 •加強上身和核心力量 •增強耐力 •提高反應 •增強手眼協調能力 •愉悅心情 健身拳擊一般以兩種形式進行:其一是在健身院跟隨一個導師跟著音樂節拍進行一系列的拳擊動作,類似於健美操班。 另一類健身拳擊則類似正式拳館訓練,包括力量訓練,伸展運動,空拳練習和打沙袋等。理療師說:“這種拳擊有很多健康益處,因為它經常需要您思考,改變姿勢和姿勢。” 拳擊練習擺動手臂,移動手臂和肩膀的肌肉能增加上身的力量。另外,跨步的拳擊手半蹲姿勢,膝蓋略微彎曲,則可以增強核心肌肉,背部和腿部肌肉。 健身拳擊也是一項很好的有氧運動。有氧運動使您心跳加速,並有助於降低高血壓,心臟病,中風和糖尿病的風險。有氧運動也與某些大腦功能的改善有關。 有些研究表明,嘗試用手擊中目標可以改善手眼協調性,使您感覺更機敏和專心。 再者,專業拳擊模式的健身拳擊過程互動連連,趣味性強,而且會針對個別學員情況訓練,所以比一搬的健身院和健美操班來得更好玩和有效。 拳擊訓練可練就更好的平衡。你練習得越多,平衡反應就越好,Arslanian說:“您需要從一個舒適的強度開始,然後逐漸增加並堅持下去,這與高強度無關。它與穩定性有關。” 健身拳擊現在外國越來越普遍。舉例說在愛爾蘭,一個為老年人群體提供增強生活鍛煉計劃的非營利組織在2018年的大多數計劃都已經包括某種形式的拳擊活動。 他們認為拳擊姿勢可以增強核心,背部和腿部肌肉能力,和增強肩膀和手臂力量。拳擊的有氧運動有助於保持身心健康,亦可改善平衡,降低跌倒的風險。拳擊所需的運動,節奏和精確度需要心理和身體上的協調,這有助於保持心理健康。 老友記提醒 健身拳擊對保持心身健康確實帶來很多好處。但如果老友記有骨質疏鬆症或骨關節炎等問題,則請多加注意。在這種情況下,你可能應該只限於練習空拳(shadow boxing)。另外,在開始新的運動計劃之前,每個人都應諮詢醫生。記住選擇最適合您的鍛煉計劃是最重要的部分! EGA lifestyle!
Stretching - Most People Got It Wrong!  Do it right and avoid injury!

Stretching - Most People Got It Wrong! Do it right and avoid injury!

Stretching - Most people are doing it wrong! We often hear people say, "One inch of tendon, ten years of life." It seems that doing more stretching exercises will bring many benefits. Stretching is convenient, requires minimal equipment, and can be performed anywhere. Let's take a look at this knowledge and what to pay attention to! The benefits of stretching According to the US medical website Healthline, stretching exercises can make joints more mobile and improve posture. It also helps release muscle tension and soreness and reduces the risk of injury. Stretching can also help increase blood circulation, control muscles, and improve balance and coordination. Results of a 12-month study of stretching and flexion exercises in older adults, published in the Journal of Gerontology, reported that study participants showed positive changes in physical fitness, self-efficacy, perceived functioning and well-being. It also has the effect of reducing pain. A panel of experts convened by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) reports that stretching is generally not well-researched or rigorous enough to be scientifically sound. Healthy adults should perform flexibility exercises for all major tendon groups at least two to three times a week. For best results, you should spend a total of 60 seconds on each stretch. Hold a specific stretch for 15 seconds, then repeat three more times, or hold the stretch for 20 seconds, then repeat two more times for best results. Circumstances will vary from person to person and should be done gradually, paying attention to how your body reacts. Be aware of the risk of injury According to the NHS, the UK medical system, muscle injuries usually occur when the muscles are under too much stress during stretching. Injuries occur not because the muscles are not flexible enough, but because the muscles are not producing enough force to support themselves. The muscle may not be able to generate enough force, either because it's not strong enough, or it's not contracting at the right time for a specific movement. different types of stretching There are different types of stretches: Static stretches are stretches that stretch a muscle to mild discomfort and hold that position for a period of time, usually at least 30 seconds or more. Dynamic stretches with gentle repetitive movements, such as arm swings, that gradually increase the range of motion, but always stay within the normal range of motion. Alternatively, a bounce stretch is performing a bouncing motion or jumping motion to increase the range of motion. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching is the contraction and relaxation of muscles involved in stretching in different ways. In general, post-stretch flexibility usually fades within 4 weeks after you stop stretching. Common misunderstanding Warming up is not the same as stretching: Stretching is not the same as warming up before exercise. With a general pre-workout warm-up, the main goals are to raise core temperature and increase blood flow to working muscles, reduce tightness, reduce the risk of injury, and prepare for the upcoming exercise. The purpose of stretching is to increase flexibility and range of motion of the joints. The best time to stretch is after a workout, but if you haven't worked out before stretching, you should warm up for 5 to 10 minutes with aerobic exercise, such as walking or jogging. 2. Don't bounce: Previously, bounce stretches were considered the best way to increase flexibility. Now, experts recommend that you avoid bouncing unless your doctor or physical therapist recommends these types of stretches. 3. Don't go beyond comfort: It's normal to feel some tension when you stretch your muscles, but you should never experience pain. If the stretched area starts to hurt, stop stretching until you feel no more discomfort. 4. Don't overdo it: more is not always better. Like other forms of exercise, stretching puts stress on the body. If you stretch the same muscle group multiple times a day, you can overstretch and cause injury. Whether you're just starting out or an experienced athlete, you can benefit from regular stretching. By incorporating 5 to 10 minutes of dynamic and static stretching into your routine, you can increase your range of motion, improve your posture, and relax your mind. EGA lifestyle!
伸展運動-多數人都做錯了!Stretching-Most People Got It Wrong!

伸展運動-多數人都做錯了!Stretching-Most People Got It Wrong!

“筋長一寸,命長十年”! 拉伸的好處 按美國醫學網站Healthline報導,拉伸運動可使: .關節更大運動並改善姿勢 .有助釋放肌肉緊張和酸痛 .降低受傷的風險 .幫助增加血液循環 .控制肌肉,改善平衡和協調 發表在《老年醫學雜誌》上的一項研究老年人拉伸和屈曲運動12個月的結果報告顯示,研究參與者在身體健康,自我效能,感知的功能和幸福感等方面表現出積極的變化。另外還有減輕痛苦的作用。 美國運動醫學學院(ACSM)召集的一個專家小組報告指,對伸展運動的研究一般不多也不夠嚴格,因此科學性並不很強。健康的成年人應該對所有主要的肌腱組進行柔韌性運動,每周至少進行兩次至三次。 為了獲得最佳效果,應該在每次伸展運動上總共花費60秒。將特定的伸展運動保持15秒鐘,那麼再重複三遍,或伸展運動保持20秒鐘,然後再重複兩次,可獲得最佳效果。情況會因人而異,應循序漸進,留心身體反應。 應注意受傷風險 根據英國醫療系統NHS資料,伸展運動時當肌肉承受太大壓力時,通常是在壓力下拉伸時發生肌肉受傷。 發生傷害的原因不是因為肌肉不夠靈活,而是因為肌肉沒有產生足夠的力量來支撐自己。肌肉可能無法產生足夠的力量,或者是因為它不夠強壯,或者是在正確的時間沒有針對特定運動收縮。 一般人通常的誤解 1. 熱身不等於拉伸: 拉伸並不等同於運動前的熱身。進行一般的運動前熱身,主要目標是升高核心溫度並增加流向工作肌肉的血液,減少緊繃感,減少受傷的風險,及預備即將進行的運動。 而伸展運動的目的是增加柔韌性和關節活動範圍。拉伸運動的最佳時間是在鍛煉後,但是如果你在進行拉伸運動之前沒有鍛煉身體,則應在有氧運動的情況下進行熱身5到10分鐘,例如散步或慢跑。 2.不要彈跳:以前,彈跳拉伸被認為是增加靈活性的最佳方法。現在,專家建議您避免彈跳,除非醫生或理療師向您推薦了這些類型的伸展運動。 3.不要超出舒適的範圍:伸展肌肉時感覺有些緊張是正常的,但您絕對不應感到疼痛。如果伸展的區域開始受傷,請停止伸展,直到沒有任何不適感為止。 4.不要過度:並非越多越好。像其他形式的運動一樣,伸展運動會給身體帶來壓力。如果一天要多次拉伸相同的肌肉群,則可能會過度拉伸並造成傷害。 無論您是剛開始運動還是經驗豐富的運動員,都可以通過常規的伸展運動受益。通過將5到10分鐘的動態和靜態伸展運動納入您的日常鍛煉中,您可以增加運動範圍,改善姿勢並放鬆心情。 EGA lifestyle!
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